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Posted by : Aleena Khanam

Author Designation : Career Counselor (Delhi)

Study Finance in Ireland Specializations Institutions Intakes Cost and More

Imagine a world that runs on a barter system - trading goods for goods, without any money involved and without any proper valuation of the things. The world would have been pretty inconvenient right? This is why our modern world totally relies on the intricate systems of accounting and finance to keep things moving smoothly. And when you look at the critical importance of the finance field you will see that thousands of international students are interested in pursuing courses in this discipline and making careers out of it. For this – Ireland has always been on their top list. Now, you might say, out of all the European countries, why study in Ireland? The answer to this question involves a mix of unique advantages that this country has for international students seeking Finance-related studies and this article here will go through all of it. To make things easier, we will also look at some popular finance master's programs and highlight a few of the top universities to pick here at the land of Saints and Scholars!

Why Study Finance in Ireland?

Listed below are the points that prove the worth of pursuing a Finance Degree in Ireland,

  • Affordable European Destination
  • World-Class Global Institutions
  • Emerging Finance and Technology Hub
  • Availability of Part-Time Jobs
  • Post-Study Work Opportunities
  • Proximity of Major European Markets
  • International Exposure and Networking Opportunities

Surely, Ireland has it all - from world-class universities to world-class living experiences. Now let us look at some of the popular Finance Degrees to study in Ireland.

Popular Finance Master’s Programs in Ireland

The following is the list of all the Popular Finance Master’s Programs in which you can pursue to make a career in Ireland or globally,

  • MSc in Corporate Finance
  • MEconSC International Finance
  • MSc in Finance
  • Master of Business – Economics and Finance
  • Master of Business – Finance and Business Analytics
  • MBA in Finance
  • MSc in International Accounting and Finance
  • MSc in Accounting and Finance Management
  • MSc in Aviation Finance
  • MSc in Sustainable Finance

Having checked the popular programs let us now look at the list of world-class Irish universities where you can pursue a Master’s Degree in these Finance-related study areas.

List of Top-Class Irish Institutions

Here are some leading institutions where you can study masters in Ireland, located in the Capital City of Dublin, one of the top-ranked student cities globally, to other key educational hubs across the country,

  • Trinity College Dublin
  • University College Dublin
  • University College Cork
  • University of Galway
  • Dublin City University
  • Technological University Dublin
  • Maynooth University
  • National College of Ireland
  • Dublin Business School
  • South East Technological University, Waterford

All these research-focused Irish institutions provide excellent and innovative finance programs that integrate theory and practical applications. They also offer industry-standard learnings for ambitious students looking to make a mark in the finance sector.

Intake Period and Cost to Study

Now that you are familiar with the Irish universities that offer specialized programs in finance, you might be curious about when you can start your studies and how much it will cost to pursue a Master’s Degree in Ireland. So, let us break down the essential details of the intake periods and the financial aspects of studying at an Irish university, keeping things clear and simple.

Intake Period

When considering the timing for starting your Master's in Finance at an Irish University, keep in mind that the primary intake period typically begins in September. Additionally, some programs may offer a second intake in January as well, giving you more flexibility when planning your academic schedule.

Cost of Studying

Now coming to the cost of studying for your Master’s Degree in Ireland, you need to keep in mind that it varies based on the university you choose, the finance specialization you enroll in, and the city you will be residing in, etc. But for an approximate figure, the below listed is the general breakdown of expenses associated with pursuing your Finance Master’s Degree in Ireland,

  • Yearly Tuition Fees: Expect somewhere between €20,000 and €30,000, depending on the program specialization and the institution.
  • Living and Accommodation Expenses: On an average, you might spend around €10,000 per year, though this can vary significantly depending on your lifestyle.
  • Miscellaneous Expenses: You need to keep aside around €10,000 annually for travel, social activities, books, stationery, etc.
  • Visa Fees: The current fee for a student visa is €195.
  • Airfare: Budget at least €700 for a one-way ticket.

In conclusion, exploring the realm of finance in Ireland through Vidyaxcel Education Consultancy unveils a world of possibilities. With a diverse range of specializations offered by renowned institutions, flexible intake options, and comprehensive support from Vidyaxcel, aspiring finance enthusiasts can embark on a transformative academic journey. Despite varying costs, the investment in education in Ireland promises invaluable returns, given its thriving financial landscape and commitment to excellence. Trust Vidyaxcel to navigate the intricacies of studying finance in Ireland, ensuring a seamless and rewarding experience for every student.



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